get_experiment: Get a previously created experiment


Get a previously created experiment on Comet's servers. The return value is an Experiment object that can be used to modify or get information about the experiment.


r get_experiment( experiment_key, api_key = NULL, keep_active = FALSE, log_output = FALSE, log_error = FALSE, log_code = FALSE, log_system_details = FALSE, log_git_info = FALSE )


Argument Description
experiment_key Experiment key.
api_key Comet API key (can also be specified using the COMET_API_KEY parameter as an environment variable or in a comet config file).
keep_active if TRUE keeps a communication channel open with
log_output If TRUE , all standard output will automatically be sent to the Comet servers to display as message logs for the experiment. The output will still be shown in the console as well.
log_error If TRUE , all output from 'stderr' (which includes errors, warnings, and messages) will be redirected to the Comet servers to display as message logs for the experiment. Note that unlike auto_log_output , if this option is on then these messages will not be shown in the console and instead they will only be logged to the Comet experiment. This option is set to FALSE by default because of this behaviour.
log_code If TRUE , log the source code of the R script that was called to Comet as the associated code of this experiment. This only works if the you run a script using the Rscript tool and will not work in interactive sessions.
log_system_details If TRUE , automatically log the system details to Comet when the experiment is created.
log_git_info If TRUE , log information about the active git repository. Requires the git2r package to be installed.


An Experiment object.


```r library(cometr)

Assuming you have COMET_API_KEY, COMET_WORKSPACE, COMET_PROJECT_NAME variables defined

exp <- get_experiment("SOME-EXPERIMENT-KEY") expget_key() expget_metadata() expadd_tags(c("test", "tag2")) expget_tags() explog_metric("metric1", 5) expget_metric("metric1") expget_metrics_summary() expstop() ```