SHAP Auto-logging

If you're already using Lundberg, Lee, et. al.'s SHAP module for Shapley Additive Explanations, then Comet logs the figures out of the box. Simply create SHAP figures as you normally would, and Comet.ML will automatically log them.

For example:


import comet_ml before shap

from comet_ml import Experiment

import shap

experiment = Experiment()

Call any of the figure-producing functions

shap.image_plot(...) ```

That's it for logging the figures!

To see the logged figures in the UI, you can go to the Graphics Tab of the Experiment View.

SHAP figure

To disable the SHAP auto-logging, set the comet.auto_log.figures configuration variable to False. For example:

```python import os os.environ["COMET_AUTO_LOG_FIGURES"] = "0"

SHAP auto-log of figures is now disabled

import comet_ml before shap

from comet_ml import Experiment

import shap

experiment = Experiment()

Call any of the figure-producing functions

shap.image_plot(...) ```


  1. SHAP on github